More bombast, nothing to worry about here - right?

Finally, the ALCU is on the correct side of an issue.

"A joint amicus brief filed by the ACLU, the Cato Institute, and the American Conservative Union agreed, saying that in jurisdictions where the community caretaking exception has extended to homes that “everything from loud music to leaky pipes have been used to justify warrantless invasion of the home.”

“When every interaction with police or request for help can become an invitation for police to invade the home, the willingness of individuals to seek assistance when it is most needed will suffer,” the brief argues."

Wasted breath. One is not going to convince these die hard 50-80 year old democrats that their party has been hijacked by very dangerous individuals. These men will absolutely go down with the ship because their party is for the “working man” and my “daddy and granddaddy voted for them so I will too”.
"More bombast, nothing to worry about here - right?"

Right. Nothing to worry about.
Note the source - MSN. Who'd have thunk they were "bombastic". After all, they are on the right side of history. Along with Mao, Papa Joe and good ole Fidel.

What is the world coming to?
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Throw out the bait: have a few nibbles on the first day.
Gotcha. You think this is all a big joke.

I don't think its a joke, but the amicus brief is not about cops barging into a home to seize personal firearms without a warrant and it has nothing to do with Biden. Read the brief.

The police were called to the home by the man's wife because he had a loaded handgun and the wife believed he was suicidal.

There is a long history of police entering a situation without a warrant when there is a potential health or safety concern.

After dealing with the situation over 2 days and being called back to the home by the wife, the officers and their superior agreed for health and safety of the couple to remove the guns from the home. The weapons were confiscated with the assistance of the wife.

Two previous courts had determined the police officers actions in this situation were appropriate and lawful - before Biden was elected.

PS I thought this forum was about pheasant hunting.
I read the brief, and that is quite a spin there. Why do you suppose the ACLU weighed in?

There was zero whatsoever of an imminent suicide. There was a lot of evidence of a wife out to make life difficult for her hubby, and the police were pleased to assist.

What if, based on your read, I conclude that you are delusional and should be disarmed? Should I phone it in? Poppycock.
My interpretation (spin) of the brief and yours are not exactly the same, but I suspect the police had no bad intentions, but took the cautious approach based upon their knowledge, expertise and assessment of the 2 people they had been requested to assist.

I don't belong to the ACLU. Don't even know how to spell it, so I have no idea what that organization would be thinking.

So you think the police officers were the bad guys in this situation?

Or was it the 2 courts that supported the police action that were wrong?

Why did you make this about Biden? Because of the headline a journalist used trying to sell papers?

When, and if you decide I'm delusional, please make that call. Absolutely. Just let me know and I'll have my bag packed sitting on the front porch drinking coffee when they arrive. You think I should have my guns ready to be confiscated?

Just a couple of side notes ---
I've considered myself a Republican since 1955 when Eisenhower was running for his second term.
I support my police. They have a tremendously difficult job as we just saw recently in Colorado. They are not perfect, but neither am I.
Who made this about BIden? Not me. Your politics do not concern me. As you indirectly suggest, our highly politicized judicial system should, and does.

Cops are not the bad guys. They follow the leader, if they want to keep their jobs. These days, especially.

But the bottom line here is that I don't care how quick you may be to surrender your rights to get along; just don't offer mine up.

You can put this one back in my face if I'm wrong (it has been known to happen) --- but I think the Supremes will rule for the victim in this instance.
Here’s the problem for me. The cops seized the firearms BEFORE he was even psych evaluated, while he was at the hospital? Yeah. That’s a problem. If he flunked the psych test, yeah they have some basis, some standing. They didn’t wait to see though. After lying to him AND the wife?

IMO they way overstepped the 4th Amendment rules. Even the ACLU agrees with me this time.

Another baseline problem is no accountability. No cops will be fired or fined for trampling our Constitution.
Who made this about BIden? Not me. Your politics do not concern me. As you indirectly suggest, our highly politicized judicial system should, and does.

Cops are not the bad guys. They follow the leader, if they want to keep their jobs. These days, especially.

But the bottom line here is that I don't care how quick you may be to surrender your rights to get along; just don't offer mine up.

You can put this one back in my face if I'm wrong (it has been known to happen) --- but I think the Supremes will rule for the victim in this instance.
Literally the first word of the thread you started.

You feeling ok?
Literally the first word of the thread you started.

You feeling ok?
Yes, but not my word. This was the link to the article in that bombastic propaganda tool MSN. Ever heard of 'em?

Also, yes, feeling OK. No one has attempted to disarm me today. So far.
The police were called to the home by the man's wife because he had a loaded handgun and the wife believed he was suicidal.

After dealing with the situation over 2 days and being called back to the home by the wife, the officers and their superior agreed for health and safety of the couple to remove the guns from the home. The weapons were confiscated with the assistance of the wife.
Just to dive a bit deeper into this one (after all, this is the "guns and ammo" folder) - I reread the article, and don't see where it says the wife thought hubby was suicidal as suggested above. Rather, the victim brought the subject up himself- by saying that he'd never do such a thing. Further, she was tricked into assisting the weapon seizure: "But officers did seize Caniglia’s guns after he left the home, even falsely telling his wife that he had agreed to the seizures, prompting her to lead officers to the two handguns the couple owned."

Perhaps even worse - "Caniglia was immediately discharged from the hospital, but he only regained possession of his firearms after filing a civil rights lawsuit against police." So, no court action needed to enter one's home and seize property; but time consuming and costly court action required to recover said property. I don't see how one can possibly justify the "guilty until proven innocent (and even thereafter)" approach.

This is about to become a real time, major Executive Order and legislative initiative attack. So, worth some sunlight on the many ways and means being employed at many different levels to erode our most fundamental right beyond recognition - IMHO.
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The phrase "I'm alright Jack" seems to describe a LOT of folks right now. Admittedly, most on this board have it pretty good. We have the time and money to indulge in a great sport. Fact is, most in the US have it pretty good compared to a lot of places in the world. That's why millions have made their way into the US in just the last decade.

We've been spoiled by our Constitutional rights, our prosperity and the relative ease we have achieved.

Unfortunately, many seem to think all of this will continue indefinitely without any personal participation. Pay your taxes and vote; no other requirements or participation needed. Live the good life.

This is how we get school boards that approve transgender bathrooms in the local high school so some transdude can rub shoulders with your granddaughter.

It's how we get city Mayors that will let a mob burn and loot a business district and declare an autonomous zone.

It's how we get Secretaries of State that usurp the authority delegated solely to state legislatures and change voting laws illegally.

It's how Australia's gun control will come to the United States.

And it's how the 4th Amendment dies as well.

Perhaps you and I have lived too long with this miracle to properly be appreciative. Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.

Ronald Reagan, January 5, 1967, Inaugural Address
here we go again . . . one political lecture after another.
here we go again . . . one political lecture after another.
One man's facts are another man's lecture I suppose. I find Chestle's observations both relevant and timely.

Personally, I find your comment here quite "preachy". A lecture, one might even say.