Montana pheasant numbers?


New member
I live in eastern MT. Does anyone know where to find the pheasant forecast for this fall? Getting the itch bad! I have done searches and not found anything. Most states post their road side counts and crowing counts etc. Does MT? I'm not a biologist but it seems that they had a mild winter a good spring and a nice summer. Just hoping to see something that confirms what I'm hoping for this fall. Last year it looked like farmers cut a lot of crp land late because it was so dry. I haven't seen that this year. Also I has anybody heard when they are going to publish the maps and info. on the new crp program for farmers to open there crp for the public to hunt birds.
Welcome Brad, Where bouts in E MT do you live?
When the M,F,W and Parks comes out with the hunt planner in a couple weeks they will have a region by region and sometimes a county by county forecast.
Usually going by the 10 year average.
Best thing for You would be to fill up the gas tank and take a drive around Follow some ranch roads along the creeks and YS River.

MT as far as I know doesn't do counts like other states, they kinda just guess at it considering the severity of the Winter, nesting conditions, Rainfall amounts, cover conditions etc. Not a bad way IMO.:cheers:
I see the hunt planner is coming out on the 15th are they mailing them out on that day does anyone know?
MT as far as I know doesn't do counts like other states, they kinda just guess at it considering the severity of the Winter, nesting conditions, Rainfall amounts, cover conditions etc. Not a bad way IMO.:cheers:

I seem to recall that they also do a mail carrier count where they ask the postman to count what he sees on a specific day while he's delivering mail and factoring that into the final projection. Pretty clever in my view and I bet pretty accurate if they have a number of years to compare the counts to vs. the hunter success rates.