Monday 10/27 Co-Op


Well-known member
Decided to hunt some Co-Op property today and it turned out great! While Dugan and I were waiting at the edge of a goldenrod field for it to get light, a real nice buck approached us without a care in the world. He came within 30ft of us and never blinked. I didn't have the heart to tell him the rut is still at least a week away!:)
About 15 minutes into the hunt Dugan got birdy and was hot on the trail of birds, unfortunately they slipped into a soy bean field and I called him off. The next time they tried the same thing but I cut them off and they flushed! I shot but missed, there seems to be a lot of that going around. We then headed for the thick stuff, and it held plenty of birds, this time I connected!
I wanted to try another farm that has great habitat. It didn't take Dugan long to put up birds! The best part was that I was the only guy hunting this area! All in all just a great day to be out pheasant hunting! :cheers:
Sounds like a real neat hunt, the bucks are starting to act like that around here too!
There are a lot of co-ops around my area but I don't know if they hold birds or not. Can't wait for Sat. ! Then I have next week off.:D
Sounds great. How is Dugan holding up for you?

So far so good, I had him out a little longer today than the opener, his knowledge of these birds is incredible. Thanks!

Way to go on the woodcock, did you get your mount back from last year?