Monarch Butterflys and healthy habitat

Neat, I have them here thick nesting or what ever they call it. Tons of catterpillars every year. I guess because of all the milk weed and flowers we have. Our land is riddled with milk weed. Hard to control it.
We have tons of Monarchs here to, they like Bull Thistle.
Interesting article in the Kansas City Star about the dwindling monarch butterfly population and it's relationship to clean farming and heavy herbicide use. Looks like our gamebirds would benefit from the same management, or lack there of !
My family has been noticing this decline for years and I'm surprised a bigger fuss wasn't made about it at some point. Now they're much less common than they used to be and the majority of city folk probably won't know what they even are if they are mentioned in a paper.

For some reason, primarily locally, I see a lot of people hating on milkweed. Personally I like it, though I also try to keep it in check from time to time as required. If everyone just kept a small patch around, I'm sure we'd have a lot more monarchs.
My family has been noticing this decline for years and I'm surprised a bigger fuss wasn't made about it at some point. Now they're much less common than they used to be and the majority of city folk probably won't know what they even are if they are mentioned in a paper.

For some reason, primarily locally, I see a lot of people hating on milkweed. Personally I like it, though I also try to keep it in check from time to time as required. If everyone just kept a small patch around, I'm sure we'd have a lot more monarchs.

Thanks for considering the monarch population. My family and I go out and find an area where they're congregating every fall. We've taken a few families out to experience it, but don't really know anyone else around here that goes. Sad part is; this isn't the city. It's a KS town of 800. Fewer and fewer folks are interested in what's going on in the natural world around them. I heard a quote one time about getting outside b/c that's where miracles (even little ones) happen. Seems you typically experience even more than you'd expected to each and every time you get outdoors. Those "stupid butterflies" are a pretty important piece of the puzzle.