OK, I am in Northern Indiana which makes a lot of difference in RE: quail. My best bird season ever was in 1995, when I shot 37 wild roosters and 19 quail within 18 miles of my home.. We still had plenty of CRP and the weather in the previous 2 seasons was conducive to good hatches. I live not far from what used to be the Grand Kankakee Marsh. When there's water we can get some duck shooting but the water, and the ducks, came way late this year. In the 2020 season I shot 31 ducks, mostly mallards...this year, 9 ducks, only 3 mallards.
Farming, particularly irrigated specialty crops such as seed corn, mint, potatoes and tomatoes are big business up here and we lost a ton of CRP and filter strips over the last several years. I financed the farmers who grow a lot of that until I retired in 2015. Due to having good ag connections, I still have places to hunt, but the cover is a ghost of what it was in the 1990's-early 2000's.