Lost Gordon Setter


Well-known member
I saw this on two other sites so thought I would post it here. Hopefully someone can find this dog and return it to the owner.

Need some help from anyone near Sterling, Colorado. A very good buddy of mine was on his way out there when the front tire blew on his F350, causing the truck to head into the median and roll. The family went to the hospital, and believes they will be okay. However, one of the dogs took off running and he can?t find it now. Is anyone in the area that might be able to help search?

The dog is a male gorden setter about 4 years old. Goes by the name of Popple. The truck rolled at mile marker 136-1/2 on Interstate 76, just outside of the town of Iliff. If you live near the area and could help search that would be very much appreciated. Or keep your ears and eyes open for a lost dog. My buddy is completely freaking out. I told him he needs to head to the hospital to see his family, but is really torn. Need some positive mojo. Call me, Scott, if you find this dog. 608-444-7579
everyone needs to go online and order a collar for your dog that has their name and your cell phone number on it. It's got me back with my dog twice and they are very inexpensive. :thumbsup:
Dog has been found. Below is info I've posted from another site.

Dog has been found. Still working on all the details, but I guess he showed up at some guys house. The dog is beat up, filled with cactus, skinny, but should make a full recovery. I will post more once I have the details from my buddy. Thanks for all those who passed on the info and helped out. Lot of great people in this world.

2 kids were not injured. Other dog's crate did not break on the crash. He was fine, but now seems a little lost. Might be the move, or that he no longer has any of the other 3 dogs to hang out with. While the family moved from MN to CO, the condo was no longer big enough for the 4 dogs. So a temporary solution was to leave 2 of the dogs back with friends. He brought two with. The one that did not escape the accident scene has been "off".

The wife took the brunt of the accident. She was 1mm off of being a fully paralyzed. However, with some good surgeons, and some new disks in her neck, she is expected to make a full recovery. 6 months in a neck brace and some PT is all that is needed.