looking for an outfitter


New member
I live in Dallas and I'm looking for a place to pheasant hunt. Looking for Texas, Oklahoma or Kansas. 4-5 guys looking for a 2 day hunt with lodging and meals. I went to a place in Dighton, Kansas a couple years ago and we had an awesome setup but dont remember the name of the place. I was hoping somebody could recommend something or by chance know the place in Dighton. Thanks
Hey Scooter, you might want to try posting in the "Kansas" forum down below. Just a thought and there might be more local expertise there.
I'm not sure how much has changed, but when A buddy and I went to SD we just stopped and asked some farmers. They were ALL VERY decent to us, and all but one let us hunt their property. One of them went so far as to call a couple of other farmers they knew who let us hunt also. There are some real fine folks out there guys, you just need to be polite and talk like you have some sense, and they can be quite accommadating. Good Hunting ... SHOTARYE
Kansas Outfitter for Pheasant

Try Kansas Creek Gamebirds. He has a website with info and contact numbers. I have had great hunting there. His pheasants are the strongest non-wild ones I have hunted. He has quail and chukar too.