Looking for 1-3 Hunters at UGUIDE Wolf Creek Camp Week 5


Active member
The group leader of the Week 5 group at our Wolf Creek Camp called today to say a couple of his guys could not go and he needs 1-3 hunters to fill his group and get to minimum group size of 6. Here are the details for this hunt.

Call or email Kent if interested as I am not able to match up groups with hunters.

1. Hunting Days are Nov. 9-11
2. Lodging days are Nov. 8-11
3. More info about Wolf Creek here http://www.uguidesdpheasants.com/pheasant-hunts/wolf-creek/
4. Cost per persona is $745 and covers hunting for 3 days and lodging for 4
5. Kent has hunted there before and can tell you all about the hunt (it's a good place as they enjoyed an 80% repeat rate from last year)
6. Kent's contact info is (217) 417-0883 or kents_hd1@yahoo.com
7. Wolf Creek is one of our top 3 UGUIDE Pheasant Camps