Lodging suggestions for Selby area 1st wk of NOV


New member
There will be two of us and 4 dogs. Have decided to hunt Walworth and or Edmunds counties. We are going to try public land , but not opposed to private if the birds and cost are right.(both on a budget). This will be a new experience for myself and really looking forward to it. The lodging will be needed for the 1st week of November. A small house or cabin situation would be great, but hotels are o k too. Thanks for any suggestions.
Selby Lodging....


Have you tried the motel(s) in Mobridge? Also, there may be a small apartment or house you could rent for a weekend. Often private homes are available...I stayed in the basement of a ministers home in Miller one year!

Contact the Mobridge Chamber, local paper et al; am sure you'll find something.

Good luck and good hunting - there's lots of birds in the area.

There are a couple of motels in Selby. The Hilltop and the Selby Motel (I think it use to be a Super 8). Here the link for the city of Selby. You might give them a call and see if they know of any rentals.
