LLD - Little Doe Down


Active member
Mama got venison in the freezer. Smoked the first doe of the season this morning. Passed on a couple nice 8pts too but get this.....

I'm disking the prep for this new CRP field and I am going along the edge of the slough and here lays this 10 point buck I almist released an arrow at 2 weeks prior. I get out of the tractor and check the deer out and not a mark on it. Looks to be about a 3.5 year deer.

What the heck? Maybe a car collision, Blue tongue, other?

Any ideas?
Nothing tickles the taste buds like Bambi's sister ( early WV muzzelloader). Congrats on the 2 deer hanging.
Mama got venison in the freezer. Smoked the first doe of the season this morning. Passed on a couple nice 8pts too but get this.....

I'm disking the prep for this new CRP field and I am going along the edge of the slough and here lays this 10 point buck I almist released an arrow at 2 weeks prior. I get out of the tractor and check the deer out and not a mark on it. Looks to be about a 3.5 year deer.

What the heck? Maybe a car collision, Blue tongue, other?

Any ideas?

I'd say the deer "kicked the bucket" for no apparent reason.
Probably, i got 2 does hanging in the shed . 3 arrows at first one and 2 at the 2nd. Ha!! But still......2 does hanging in the shed.

UGUIDE your making me feel better about my bow shooting abilities (LOL). I have to ask my friend...how the heck are you getting three and two shots off at the same deer? Are they coming back for more or what?:D

Nice job on finally hammering down on em!:cheers: --1pheas4