I had mine damn near built for me. Out here in NoCal, houses are pretty close together, maybe 12 feet in my neighborhood, separated by a 6 ft hi typical wood fence. I also have a 3 ft wide concrete walkway running thru the entire length. So all I needed to do was add a few vertical and horizontal supports, chicken wire roof, and a gate on each end, so I can enter either side, from the backyard or front. I camo'ed the front gate, you can't even tell its a gate from the street. So it is between 30 and 40 feet long, 5.5 feet high, and 5.5 feet wide. I then added two more gates on the interior to allow separating birds, and I cut holes so the quail can get thru but the chukar and pheasants cant. Tinkered with a watering system, but its easier just to take a hose in and fill. very convient, we train, most every nite and our recovery rate is decent.
I also built one that was 4x4x4. I made it in two parts, so I could move it easily. It was 2x4x4. I attached good sized eye bolts on each piece, top and bottom for a total of four, then put good sized bolts thru the eyes and bolted them down. That will hold a decent number of quail or chukar.