Lets help the Bears

Well it seems I've over did it helping the other team so I decided to help the Bears:D They really don't need much help QB's a little iffy but I really like their LB's,RB's and peppers a beast:thumbsup: To bad the packers had to beat them last year:) Whats your favorite Bear momument? I would have to say fridge scoring TD's still makes me mad:mad: being a Packer fan. I'm thinking pay back this year Packers been putting RajI in the backfield.
i think detroit will suprise us all. lost alot of close games last couple of years. looks like they have thier act together now
Well it seems I've over did it helping the other team so I decided to help the Bears:D They really don't need much help QB's a little iffy but I really like their LB's,RB's and peppers a beast:thumbsup: To bad the packers had to beat them last year:) Whats your favorite Bear momument? I would have to say fridge scoring TD's still makes me mad:mad: being a Packer fan. I'm thinking pay back this year Packers been putting RajI in the backfield.

Hey coot,

if you get this thread closed on you could you next please help the Chiefs. We suck sooo bad that we would take any help we could get. But hey at least we have won a super bowl.
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Holy cow Coot, didn't know your other thread got locked! Too funny. Some people just can't take a ribbing. I guess if you lost every superbowl that you played in, your panties would be in a wad too. Should be a very good year for the NFC North with the exception of the Vikings. Bears and Lions both looked good last week.
Bad roosterslayer no saying bad things about that team or fans:D Don't know how to change thread name:( I should of went with Lets help all teams but the Vikings:) Chiefs have no luck that Berry guy was good but I think he's out for the year. Not for sure Cassels the answer good RB. I love the raider chiefs game very good rivaliry. Bronco raiders ain't bad niether. But nothing beat the Pack/Bears:thumbsup:
the previous theard that has been locked said cootie was maybe 17 years old. how old do you think he is guys. he has been a packer fan all of it.
Well, with the way he acts, I'd say about 17 years old. I was cocky and arrogant once, and that was right around 17 years old.
i would rather see a cocky arrogant cooty than a mad coot. coot is lucky he does whatever he wants when ever he wants. he can also spend as much as he wants. he has never had a wife to mellow him out or put him on a leash. yesterday we went golfing together. i had to check in first to see if i was free that afternoon. he even offered to pry into his moldy money and buy my driver after i hit a 310 yard drive. offered me $5 but said he could go $6 since i was his brother. what a tight wad
I guess in some peoples world it's a crime to make people smile or laugh:) I guess all that stuff they say in church on sundays is wrong (the worlds a better place when people smile and laugh). It really is a shame you have to make personal acts on me, all because I do allittle joking about a football team. Hey maybe someday the lightbulb will come on. I'll pray for that day:) You don't see anyone else taking it to your level so maybe it's you that still needs to grow up.
Like I said before! Joking around is one thing, I guess I didn't take it that way. If you were joking around, it's an odd way of joking around. So you weren't trying to get Vikings fans all fired up by the comments you were making? So be it! Just came across as very arrogant. My bad if that's not what you were trying to do. Now, I think I'll move on to hunting. Vikings beat Tampa Bay 35-14 this weekend.

I guess in some peoples world it's a crime to make people smile or laugh:) I guess all that stuff they say in church on sundays is wrong (the worlds a better place when people smile and laugh). It really is a shame you have to make personal acts on me, all because I do allittle joking about a football team. Hey maybe someday the lightbulb will come on. I'll pray for that day:) You don't see anyone else taking it to your level so maybe it's you that still needs to grow up.
hey coot,

lay off us. It is kinda hard to see when you are joking, you know with all the other serious stuff you post up here. Maybe somebody needs some packer gear for christmas.
The Bears have some issues on the offence mainly Mike Marx he does not like running the ball.
Boy the Bears offensive line sucks. More running would help. Looked to me like there was alot of finger pointing going on. Thats not good for a team. Good thing they play the Packers next week coaches should be able to get them focused and motavated for that game. Lions look goooood:eek: And that other team what a melt down starting early this year:D Wow Chiefs are very unlucky with losing RB and I had him in fantasy football:(
I suspected as much for the Vikings meltdown but I didn't see the Bears and Packers playing that poorly. Lions are scary good right now. KC, well what can you say about that offense. Going from playoff team to expansion team.