Let's get busy!


Well-known member
When I left work today it was still warm and muggy, but there seemed to be a different feeling to the evening. When I got home my Springer must of felt the same way, because he was giving "the look"! So I took him for a quick run. Yep...I think we're in the home stretch, time to get busy boys. Start putting your vacation and "sick" time together, get yourself and your pups in shape, get out the old scatter gun and shoot a few rounds! October here we come.
October? I'm just trying to get to September for dove season! But the dogs get a little upset since I shoot a lot with little to show for it.

I've been running the dogs in the mornings about 5 times a week and I'll start to bike with them next week. Plus the quail are good to go to get some bird work in. I'll do a tune up "hunt" on a preserve in September to get some shooting over the dogs. Plus it's a good way to get my two boys out with the dogs.

I set up a youth hunt for October at the local club for 6 youth hunters. This will be the first time doing an organized hunt at the club. And I just filled the last spot for our PF veterans hunt. We have a good number of kids lined up for our PF youth hunt in November as well.

This Friday I'll take the dogs to a conservation camp for kids and do a little presentation on the use of dogs for hunting. I'll also use it as a chance to promote our PF chapter. I hope to shoot some clays afterwards since I'll have some time to myself.
We've got a lot of work to do also. We start to make the transition from working on classic American muscle cars and trucks to all out upland activities, such as working with the land owners getting chores done, volunteering our services to NJ Fish n Game, trap shooting, training seminars for flushing breeds, getting pheasant camp up to date and ready for the season, and PLENTY of new scouting following up on new leads!

I used to train, trial, and work my dogs all summer. I now just keep them in shape and watch their diet. I'll start to push them a little harder in August and by the middle of Sept they are ready to go!

I think the Pa. upland hunter is in for another great season!