im sure that we all have one of " those" days, mine was Wednesday morning. dang, how many times do I have to relearn this lesson? Went out with my 12 year old lab and started getting into birds, 7 in a row flushed and missed and one butt shot and kept going. The first 3 or 4 i laughed off, then after I wounded the one , itstarted getting to me. My lab was doing pretty damn good, considering the dry conditions but I wasn't holding up my end of the deal. Although it was my first day in the field for pheasants, I ve been grouse and duck hunting for the past two months and have been shooting fairly well. The next bird flushed out of a ditch about 15 feet from me and instead of snapping off a quick shot, which I was doing all day, I took my time, realized that the gun didnt feel right, slipped it off my shoulder bone back to where it was supposed too be resting and dropped the bird dead. The light came on!!! Why hurry? Roosters getting up arnt really going that fast yet. I was hurrying my shot and with the 60 degree weather, had about 3 layers less on than I had been hunting ducks with for the past month, causing me to screw up mounting the gun. Took that extra second each flush after that, adjusted the stock placement and Didn't miss another bird for the remainder of the day and only the first one missed the morning of the next (hurried that one
) readjusted and did pretty good until I had enough of the wind and left in time to hit Thanksgiving with family. 5 birds in the vest...Thank god that the roosters kept giving me enough chances to figure it out.
Before heading out again, it's back to the clays
Before heading out again, it's back to the clays
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