LAs t few days in SoDAk.


First two days were nice & we did well. Next two days (Wed & Thursday) were tough with high winds. Friday was nice & we did well again.
DakotaZeb stopped by for a hunt:

The golden hour:

Sounds like a successful trip! What's with the cone of shame on the pooch in the kennel? You done or staying for 10 days?
Thanks for posting the photos. We could of easily had our limit for the day but yours truly had an off day of shooting. :eek: I should of had 5 birds myself and ended up with 1. :eek:

Nothing much worked in that much wind. Saw some birds but it helped Murphy" mostly.

The cone of shame dog got tangled up in barbed wire & kept yanking until he came loose. In the dam high winds he could not even hear me whoaing him. He has got stuck before & stopped when I whoaed him but not this time. There was a lot of scent flying around so he was jacked & might not have settled down anyway.............