Land grab

quail hound

I know not everyone will agree with my disgust for this but if you don't want to see your public lands sold to the highest bidder, please contact you congressional representative and let them know where you stand on this issue. Those of you who live in states that this won't affect as much as us out west please stand with us on this issue. Even though you may never step foot on some of this land it is yours and open for you to enjoy.’t-your-land
Just to clarify, I am open to cutting red tape to allow more logging and other uses on federal lands, my favorite bit of forest needs to be logged badly, but liquidation of these lands crosses the line for me.
The unfortunate truth is that many of our elected officials are working for themselves and not us! No longer is it what can I do for you, but what can you do for me! Healthy wildlife goes hand in hand with healthy forest and a healthy forest is a managed forest. If we were allowed to manage and extract our natural resources the money generated would far exceed the sale value, to many times officials are looking for the quick fix and a pat on the back as opposed to what is right for the long term. Thanks for posting I hope this gets shot down!