Kirwin area


Well-known member
I'm going to head west for a couple of days of pheasant hunting with my lab. I am really a waterfowler so I picked Kirwin to go to in case there may be some geese around. Planning on taking 4 dozen silo decoys with me along with my layout blind just in case. Anyway, I'm really not set on Kirwin but the thought of a back up waterfowl hunt in case pheasants didn't cooperate sounded appealing. So, does anyone know the current pheasant numbers and how the WIHA is in that area? Any other area that would be better for pheasants? I'm open to ideas.

Also if anyone would like to go I have an open seat.

Thanks for any info in advance.
I believe that around Kirwin as some pretty good walk-in on the south side of the lake. I live about 10 miles from Kirwin and from what i have heard there is quite a few pheasants out there. As far as geese go, I think there are some, but if you don't have permission on fields, you are going to have problems getting any.
Thank you for the information but I didn't end up going. I stayed around here and killed geese instead. Been a few yrs since I have been pheasant hunting. I am hoping to make it out once before seasons end.
We did fairly well around here on geese. Killed about 26 in two days. We had them feet down in the decoys at 15 yards so it was alot of fun. Cold but fun. With the weather the way it is I hate to go out and mess with the upland birds too much now.
We did fairly well around here on geese. Killed about 26 in two days. We had them feet down in the decoys at 15 yards so it was alot of fun. Cold but fun. With the weather the way it is I hate to go out and mess with the upland birds too much now.
see any pheasants at all?
ya..if geese are cooperating like that..keep on whacking them. I like to hunt geese at Kirwin, but they are not cooperating at all. Thats why I am sticking to the Upland birds.
Only a pointer, we hunted around Topeka here. Never made it out to Kirwin. I always like to hunt different areas but its tough to leave when they are cooperating.
No we goose hunted on private ground. But yes I have hunted the valley falls area and it can be good at times but it get hit fairly hard.
ya no kidding

i know its gets hunted hard! i seen more people there than hillsdale closer to bigger towns more people but it dont matter half of the people i see hunting i often wonder what in the world are you hunting!meaning wind at your back and just not high percentage spots