Point!---yes your dogs only live so long so take them hunting where there are birds--travel if you must--just a thought![]()
what he means is load them up and head for sodak! :thumbsup:
In Kansas, wheat=pheasants. With the weather seems like we're in for a haul. I hope eventually get the population back, I remember when Kansas was the sharptail and prairie chicken capital....the sharptails never came back, after the 1930's, I hope the pheasants do better.
Point!---yes your dogs only live so long so take them hunting where there are birds--travel if you must--just a thought
I think it would be wise for Kansas to have a plan to restock wild birds when the time is right. It will recover much faster and sure benefit those small towns sooner. States trade and barter wildlife all the time. I sure hope they are ready when the weather breaks and have a deal ready to go.
i think wild pheasants are much harder to come by than say turkey, which are easily trapped, the numbers needed would be huge, it is one thing for the weather to change to a more positive note, but then, what are we going to do to change the farming practices which is at the moment the biggest problem of all, at least in colorado and kansas and rapidly becoming so in n. and s. dakota, all one has to do is look at iowa, birds need a place to live and can't do it on a barren landscape which is what you are seeing, more water on dirt ain't gonna do much. our current farm bill for the most part dropped the ball, a help surely but feeble