Just saying


New member
Well, stock up your ammo and guns boys, because Obama is back for four more years. :eek::(

The only light at the end of the tunnel is that he is out in 2016 and that the Republicans have control of the House (Congress).

Other than that be prepared for more taxes.

Also, Colorado is now all blue. The governor, the Senate and House are now controlled by the Dems. So what that means, who knows....

I need to move back to Texas ;)

At least you can now cultivate Hemp in CO, I wonder if it makes for good nesting cover. The birds might taste a little funny though!

My guy never had a chance (I'm a Libertarian) - but to be fair, what's Obama done to damage your access to guns & ammo in his first four years?

I know fairness isn't a popular stance in politics right now, but I don't run with either of the two mainstream parties so I like to think I can look at it with an less biased point of view.

I'm worried about a lot that the next four years may bring, but the second amendment doesn't seem to be in the least little bit of danger.
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cry cry cry thanks COLORADO for vote n BLUE!!! your guns are safe boys shoot look at the border states you can get military grade weapons down there been that way for yrs now...

barry obama must have done enough to get re-elected id say...???

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That's not the point...

Half this country thinks he should have been re-elected. The other half thinks not. I'm not saying who's right or who's wrong - I'm just saying he hasn't messed with our gun rights.

There's plenty to pick on with both parties. This really isn't the forum for it, unless it impacts the subject of hunting. If Obama did or does something to impact my right to guns, ammo or hunting, you can bet I'll be all over it on this forum. But he hasn't.
there's supposedly a quote from Joseph Stalin that says that" democracy will fail when the poor people realize they can vote themselves money"
my opinion thats what happened.i dont see 2016 being any different if we can figure out a better way to get our country governed.
dont forget,Iran is looming on the horizon and something's
gonna have to be done no matter who got elected.
I wonder how the younger people that voted for Obama will feel when they restart the draft to deal with Iran.
I fear Israel will hit iran before iran hits them,than it's on.
new guns? for me , a double side by side 20 ga. from a complicated family deal.it says churchill on the box ,made in italy on the barrel.new in the box ,essentially.
Hemp is great for doves, and I have shot plenty of quail in hemp patches. The ditch/hemp weed is everywhere in Nebraska. Find big patches of hemp mixed with sunflowers and the doves love it!
i agree drahtsrock ive seen lot & lots of wild hemp/weed in KS/NE/MN/OK while out turkey hunting & have seen the wild sunflower mix & how the doves & bob white quail will be in close proximity to that type of cover lol ive shot turkeys in kansas that were in a thick patch of hemp makes for a great picture!!! lol

little song birds doves & like i said even quail will pick the seeds out of wild ditch weed/hemp the stuff is all over in KS/NE at least the stuff in CO will be better quality!!!

colorado is a great state i really want to visit there & someday move there i hear there is a lot of minnesotains that live in CO??? very pretty state & a great hunting destination
I'm not concerned about them Arms Trade Treaty. This action is being considered (only considered at this point) as an option in the fight to keep arms out of the hands of terrorists and warlords. The rights of the American hunter are not in jeopardy from this piece of international legislation.

I do recognize the timing of it and I do recognize that Obama wouldn't have jumped on this particular bandwagon in his first term, as it would have meant a loss of votes.

The bottom line for me is that this action in itself causes me no alarm, but it does heighten my awareness.
I'm buying my ammo NOW.......to shot pheasants this year. I'll post my political thoughts on those other blogs, whatever they are.
there's supposedly a quote from Joseph Stalin that says that" democracy will fail when the poor people realize they can vote themselves money"

That quote actually came from one of our greatest forefathers Benjamin Franklin. "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
If anybody could recognize human folly it would be him.... I wonder what he would say today if he were alive or how ashamed he would be at the indifference our politicals have shown to the document they spent so much time and blood crafting.....