Just moved to Ellsworth area


New member
I just moved from Lawrence to Ellsworth on Sunday. Wondering if anyone has been hunting any ground here and if you've had any luck or if you're interested in hitting some walk-in after work before it gets dark.
I'm actually a boat mechanic. I was working at a marina at Perry Lake for a while and got a job offer at the Lake Wilson Marina. So if anybody is gonna need some boat repair this summer thats where I'll be!
That's nice to know as I'll be doing most of my fishing this yr. in ks. and after 13 yrs. running a Yamaha I swiched to one of those Opti-Pop on my Triton. :rolleyes:
I've heard of a few good reports here around Lake Wilson on some private ground but I've been hunting mostly around Great Bend on my uncle's and a family friends ground and a few walk-ins in rush county. I've seen a couple coveys and enough tracks in the snow and mud to warrant a few trips just to find some quail on the private ground around GB. On one walkin-in field in Rush I've found 2 or 3 coveys and shot probably 7 this year before they flew onto private property. Haven't shot any yet on my uncle's ground tho but I'm gonna hit it pretty hard this weekend so maybe I'll get a shot off at a couple. Plenty of pheasant there but my gun hasn't been shooting very straight lately.
Haha! Well, thank you for the welcome :rolleyes:. This past Sunday I hunting a milo field and had 3 roosters pop up right in front of me and every time I missed! The second of the 3 I'm convinced I hit him but he must have had kevlar on. Cuz he would not go down. I think I shot 9 times that day (7 at pheasant and 2 at quail) and didn't get a single bird. Haha It definently wasn't my greatest day. I'm just glad it was just me and my dog. I don't even know why I'm sharing this with everybody!
Because you know it has happened to all of us on more than one occasion. Just tell yourself what one of my friends always says, "darn switchgrass in my eye again."
I have a bunch on private land near Lorraine that I could probably get you on. I have exclusive written permission so usually it's prety good . PM me with some info and let's talk....