Just got Back


Super Moderator
Well, I just got back in last night from a two day trip out to South-Central Kansas. The conditions could have been better, but all-in-all, it was a great trip. We drank some beer, laughed a little, and with a little luck, shot some roosters to boot.

My buddy shot his first rooster in the second field we hunted Tuesday morning. That was the best part of the trip in my opinion. It was actually "cold" that morning, and the bird flushed at his feet. I watched as it scared the shit out of him getting up, then he raised his gun, got level, and smoked him on the fly-away shot. Other than that, the birds were running and flushing ahead of us and the dogs.

Yesterday morning it was unusually foggy, with a light mist. I was pretty excited as we headed out, knowing the dogs would actually have an opportunity to smell the hot scent though.

The birds however were still on the run. We were on our way back to the truck when the dog turned and locked up. I came in facing him upwind, and nothing. The dog trotted West about 10 yards and locked up again. After a few repeat instances of this, I changed my tactics. I released Tucker after a point, and when he again trotted North and locked up, I took off in a full sprint up ahead of him. Up came a rooster. I made sure to reward the dog with a good shot, and brought that ditch chicken down. He seemed really proud when he brought the bird back, and dropped it at my feet.

My advice for late-season roosters, forget your "plan" for hunting a field, and follow the dogs. Place the dogs downwind in a field, and let them do the rest. :thumbsup:

I'll post the typical "proud owner" dog-with-birds photo later.

Edit: One thing that really bewildered me on this trip (and pissed me off) was the lack of etiquette some of the other hunters exhibited. Not once, but twice, other hunters decided to stop and hunt the same property we were hunting. Has anyone had this happen to them? This is the first time it's ever happened to me.
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hunting on top of someone else just sucks, i seldom see it, but it would piss me off too...no reason for it, just plain stupid.

not surprised to hear the birds are still wild, doesn't look like Pratt is going to get much snow out of this storm, it is going north of there...i am going to go back only if they get a snow in January.....

my vizsla has gotten pretty good at handling running roosters, some of the time.....after relocating 3 or 4 times, after being released again, he will break and run 50-75 yards, turn and drop his nose and hunt back to me as i stand still...pretty cool when he pulls this of and pins his bird....you can just see the smile on his face.....:thumbsup:
My advice for late-season roosters, forget your "plan" for hunting a field, and follow the dogs. Place the dogs downwind in a field, and let them do the rest. :thumbsup:

Here's a nugget for all you new guys. It is hard to trail a dog w/ a group of more than 2 ppl IME.

Congrats on a good late season hunt Wildcat:cheers:
Thanks KB. I read in another thread you won't be able to make it for the January get together due to insinuating circumstances with work :(

Hopefully I've got one hunt left this year. I'll try to bring a few down for you.:thumbsup:
I just got back last night from a two day hunt in SW KS. Great trip. My son took his new shotgun he got for Christmas. We also hunted with a friend of his and his dad for the first time. My dad went too. We saw lots of birds (most of them flushing way out in front). We hunted hard for two days and ended up with 9 roosters and 7 quail. My son got a quail with the first shot through his new gun. He and his friend also both connected on roosters. I had a picture perfect view of my son's rooster which was the highlight of my trip. We'll definitely be hunting with his friend and his dad again in the future.:10sign:
Sounds like an awesome trip! I didn't see any quail while I was out, but I didn't hunt any crop edges really. Most of the walk-in was only CRP.
One of the guys we hunted with the last couple of days told us a story about guys coming in on top of them. They found a WIHA and showed up early opening morning. A truck with Tennessee tags pulled up after them and stopped at the spot. They drove up next to the truck and rolled down their window and the guys drove off. After they started through the field the two guys from Tennessee pulled up again, jumped in the field and started flushing birds. They were slinging lead over my buddies' group's heads. They confronted them and their response was "this is public land". Some people just don't get it!!:mad: