My Dad, brother, and I with my two britts hunted walk-in north of wakeeney last weekend. We are novices at best and our shooting sucks but we ended up with 12 quail and 2 roosters. We could have had many more but missed horribly on some. I have to say they ground up there was great and plenty of it. The quail numbers were very surprising and made for some great dog work. I was very surprised how tight the wild quail held. When hunting singles we would have to stomp on the bushes to get them out. I have learned that with a small group of people that you will get more shots at roosters if you hunt very thick and smaller cat-tails or these tall stalk like things that we found in the afternoons. We found tons of birds tucked in the thick groves in ditches. We will be back in late January! Also we had our best day on monday when we had the country side to ourselves. If you are a walk-in hunters, take trips from monday thru thursdays and your results will be much better. !!