It's time

Huntings getting close:10sign: I've decided to run a mile a night to get in shape:) I must say I was surprised I could even run a mile:D 6 minutes and 30 seconds not bad for a balding white guy who likes to eat, and hasn't exerised in years:D By fall no duck or pheasant or deer going to get away from me:thumbsup:. What are you guys doing to get ready? Maybe a new gun? Shooting clay birds? Breaking in that new pair of hunting shoes? Training the dog? I hope blackclouds practicing BBQing:10sign:
Too hot to train dogs right now. But I have a new pup coming soon.

To get in shape, I am sitting in the recliner, watching baseball, and posting on the BB :D

Better get my fanny in motion soon or the dog is going to leave me in the dust :)
Lost 50 lbs. in the last three months. Plan on losing some more before opening day.
Trying to lose some weight.
Running 2 miles twice a week.
My exercise regiment is done every other day. This is what I did yesterday;
115 pushups
125 situps
135 squats
Today I ran
Trying to cut 10 more pounds before the fall to compensate for the birds in the vest :)
Been mountain biking some, back packing, some tennis, alittle swiming and most of all trying to keep up with my 11 year son old and 6 year old twin boys. Amazing how much energy that takes!
Can't wait till November :cheers:
Too hot to train dogs right now. But I have a new pup coming soon.

To get in shape, I am sitting in the recliner, watching baseball, and posting on the BB :D

Better get my fanny in motion soon or the dog is going to leave me in the dust :)

hey wait- isn't that why we have dogs we just let go- and mossey along-
shees- tried getting in shape last year- back couldn't take- glad to say- the Britt's did the work and I just enjoyed being along
50 pounds:thumbsup: Nice job.
Lets see here 115 pushups, 125 sit ups, 135 squats = one dead Coot:D Oh what the Hell. I'm going to try it for two weeks:eek:
I'm making plans, got lots of adventures coming up.
Like to lose 10 pounds.:eek:
Try to do a lot of walking, so dang many bugs and hot though.
Huntings getting close:10sign: I've decided to run a mile a night to get in shape:) I must say I was surprised I could even run a mile:D 6 minutes and 30 seconds not bad for a balding white guy who likes to eat, and hasn't exerised in years:D By fall no duck or pheasant or deer going to get away from me:thumbsup:. What are you guys doing to get ready? Maybe a new gun? Shooting clay birds? Breaking in that new pair of hunting shoes? Training the dog? I hope blackclouds practicing BBQing:10sign:

You ran a 6:30 mile?? Wow! That is moving. Whatever you're dooing health-wise-lifestyle-wise is obviously working. Good luck to your huntin' buddies this fall trying to keep pace with you.
Lost 50 lbs. in the last three months. Plan on losing some more before opening day.

Congratulations! You've added years to your life, back and legs. You are a man of iron will to have lost that much weight.
Pumping Up for Fall

Hitting the weights, doing pushups and ab crunches every other day along with daily dog walks of at least two miles. Need to lose 15 pounds. I don't seem to have much will power when it comes to food, especially the high calorie stuff.
Trying to lose some weight.
Running 2 miles twice a week.
My exercise regiment is done every other day. This is what I did yesterday;
115 pushups
125 situps
135 squats
Today I ran

MAJOR workout. Good luck with the weight loss, something I am trying for (unsuccessfully so far) too.