It's time again

I just love this time of year. Are fearless drn and feds start their famous wildlife projects. Last year they managed to not burn a single acre untale late May:thumbsup: That real helped nestting ducks and pheasant. Then they used their tree cutter most people use a chain saw not this rocket scientist they got a saw on the back of a tractor:eek: Yup thats right the idiots dropped a tree on the tractor. Then theirs the millions of dollars they spent for water depth control they did years ago that they never used boards are still sitting in the grass.
Well I figure with the gov't money probelm I would help them. Instead of flying in a guy from Oregon $5000 & 2 million in fire fight equipment to light the grass fires. I got a FREE book of matches and I know how to use them:eek: Hell I might even watch the wind direction this year so it don't go into peoples yards. Plus I've cut many a trees down with no damage or death. And I'm sure i'm smart enough to put boards in a dam. And hell just for sh2is and giggles I'm going to use their $100000 dollar sh@tters in the middle of nowhere. I'm going to feel honored to be the first to ever use them:D What do they learn in college:D Maybe the gov't should pay them not to help wildlife:D