It's that time of year again...ticks and fleas...


UPH Guru
I'm using Frontline Plus, but I'm sure that other treatments have come out that suggest they are better and more specific and prettier, and ... maybe a little more effective.

Last year the local vet (a large animal guy, so most of his small animal info comes from pharmaceutical salespeople) had me try Vectra 3D WITH 6-WAY PROTECTION...yeah, right.

Seemed to work ok. Pricey, as I recall.

Since I got the teen-ager Wirehair here now, thought I'd ask around. Tinker is exploring new terrain. As yet, she's not picked up any hitch-hikers, but it's coming soon.

I have mostly wood ticks down here, but keep on getting invitations to hunt up in NW Wisconsin, where my friend's dog sometimes comes home with 50 or more ticks ! That's Alfred Hitchcock scenario for me. And, of course, many are deer ticks.

Any suggestions on deer tick/general critter protection?

Thank you.
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I stopped using Frontline a couple season ago. It kills the ticks but only after they bit the dog. So ticks were coming off the dogs in the house some times.

Used Advantix II for a year, it repells ticks some. Had better results than with Frontline. But it seemed to make one of my dogs itchy.

I am using a seresto collar this season. So far it has done pretty well, but it is not the bad part of the tick season yet.

So we will see.
Does your wirehair get many ticks?

I think I can count on one hand the number of ticks Daisy has gotten. It's always the other dogs we are pulling ticks off of. With Daisy's tight, coarse hair, it's as if they can't get any purchase, or possibly all that bristly hair causes her to feel them crawling and she bites them before they latch on.
I used some preventative Happy Jack DD-33 on my last hunt. I sprayed myself, my grand father sprayed himself, and we sprayed (4) dogs. No ticks were found, and the perserve manager was amazed. Again, its not really full swing tick season yet, but it seemed to do alright

I also used frontline on all my dogs. I have always had good results with it and I live in some heavy tick country
Yesterday went to the vet to buy a six-pack of Frontline and the total came to $101.00. I pulled my charge card out of the clerk's hand when she said the price. Ended buying Advantix for a whopping three dollars less but the vet is going to give me a $15.00 rebate.
I am with everyone on how the price sucks, but to me there isn't a price I wouldn't pay to protect my dogs.
Toad? Tinker has only been with me about a month, but other my GWPs got no more nor fewer ticks than other dogs we hunted with. My Springer, Mick, with a dense, silky coat seems to resist most, as well, although each year there are one or two which seem to get through until the meds hit them and they die in place.

Britchaser? I just checked eBay and found the Frontline Plus for around $45 for 6.

I knew a few guys who used a small dose of medicine for beef cattle, but I'm not gonna take chances with the dogs.

It's the deer ticks up just West of Superior that concern me. Down in SW Wisconsin, we don't have the infestation problem they have up there.
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