It's so cold that......


New member
Man, its cold outside tonight. Earlier this evening I wanted some iced tea so I boiled up water and put a tea bag into it. After a few minutes I removed the tea bag and wanting to cool the drink down, I put a glass of it outside to cool. And wouldn't you know it, it was so cold that the iced tea froze solid in just a couple of minutes. In fact it froze so fast that the ice was still warm.

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It is just rediculously cold. I usually don't complain about the weather as I like the cold, but -18... right now, ugh. I got back from having a beer with the Goose Guru tonight in Burnsville MN and on the way back, tons of cars in the ditch because of the black ice. Hope the pheasants aren't dying... wishful thinking I guess.
Can't complain here, only -3 right now, but was -19 Mon. Set a record! Just friggin hate it!
It is cold here in SD. Last night I ran out of wood for the stove so I lit a candle and went outside to get some more wood. It was so cold that before I could get back inside the flame on the candle froze solid. Not knowing what to do I just stuck the candle in the snow and went inside with the wood, stoked the stove and went back to bed. Unfortunately the frozen flame on the candle was showing so bright that I could not get back to sleep so I had to go back outside in the cold to bury the candle under the was that cold.

If anybody has been thinking about getting the dog neutered, maybe just letting him outside today might be effective.
52 below wind chill, I tried to pour a quart of oil into the plow truck and the oil will not come out of the jug. I did just see a group of Pheasants still doing fine though just a few minutes ago, so there is hope yet.:thumbsup:

Thanks for the Laugh!:cheers:
I walked outside this morning and it was 7 degrees. I thought about stripping down to my tee shirt it was so damn WARM!!!!
Watch it, you might get a sunburn! lol
rwigg, i rushed right out and got some 30 spf because of this massive heat wave we are getting in the midwest.

Yes, I think we need beer "warmers" in this weather. In fact, I had better have a cool one shortly, it's been a long week.
Make sure you got the shades. Don't want to fry the eyes!:cool:
We may have to change it to " it's so Warm". *8* Above today, 30 on Monday they say. Thats a 60 degree turn around in 4 days, I think thats becoming hard on my brain. Lets see do I leave the beer in the porch to leave more room in the fridge for beef or throw the beef out and put the beer in the fridge:confused: