Iowa helps big AG again

Well Iowa seems to like helping them poor large animal confinement units. Them dirty peta people taking the pics of miss treated animals:mad: You know here in Iowa we like treating are animals and farm labors like crap. You only need to care about poor smithfield and tyson who never spend there money in iowa:thumbsup: Thats why the state put up a hefty fine if you get a job in a confinment building and take pictures of horrible living and animal cruelty. Why should we care about food safety or human rights:D Why don't the gov't just make it legal to hire illegal immagrants and legal to pay them a crappy wage. When will the people of iowa figure it out that ag has ruined are state.
Iowa can have some issues with ag runoff affecting the water supply...and so the folks who drink of it.
Just a guess.
I heard on the radio that It is illegal to plant a person in the big hog and chicken buildings with the intent to let the world know of there cruelty to animals and there bad working conditions. Why is this a bad thing. Heck it's the first thing I agree with the peta people on:eek:. Seems stupid you would fine someone trying to make sure the food we eat is safe. If there doing it right what big ag scared of?
shhhhh coot you need to be quiet we are trying to keep this a secret:thumbsup:. don't for get the gibberish that corn ethanol is good for the enviroment and our state rolleyes:. :cheers: