Introducing Dog to Gunfire


New member
Hi Gang... I am looking to introduce my dog to gunfire, and am looking for some land to be able to live fire. The only places I can find locally is at Quail Run near Elizabeth, but you have to be a member. I would like to do this before dove opens.
You don't have to be a member. You just pay a higher price to use the facilities. Talk to Lisa and tell her what you want to do.
Hi Gang... I am looking to introduce my dog to gunfire, and am looking for some land to be able to live fire. The only places I can find locally is at Quail Run near Elizabeth, but you have to be a member. I would like to do this before dove opens.

One thing I did with my puppy is begin by banging pots and pans while they were eating in the house. Then just went and took walks in the forest, I lived in Maryland at the time, with a blank pistol and when he was out exploring I would fire off rounds. I didn?t fire a live round anywhere near him till he was about a year honestly. Maybe that is overkill but today when he see?s the shotgun come out or hears a shot he is excited as hell. Just my experience.
What kind of dog do you have and how old is it. I've used the pots/pans banging while eating as young pups. Then I move on to a blank gun while throwing bumpers. I delay firing until they have taken off for the first few sessions, then move to firing before they leave but still pointing the blank pistol away from them. I use the type that fires 209 primers. Only after multiple sessions like that do I move on to shotguns and then start with light loads. I've trained at Quail Run, Kiowa Creek, and Cherry Creek Park (special sport dog training area permit required-basically free if you have a park pass and off-leash pass). At Cherry Creek you can use a blank gun but not live fire.

That's worked great for all my labs up to and including #6 Parker and #7 Brady. Whenever I bring any long guns out they head to the garage door.