

New member

I wanted to introduce myself and say hello. :)

I currently live in Aurora and love the outdoors. As a kid, I never went pheasant hunting because I was too busy with other things. This year I went to South Dakota in the Faulk County and Faulkton/Orient area for opening weekend. It was a fun trip and hunting was a blast. Not to mention the good family and friends.

I came here to talk to some local pheasant hunters and learn more about upland game hunting. I'm excited to get out there and shoot clays, hunt pheasant again, and learn other disciplines (quail, etc).
Welcome to the Forum!! Had to move from Aurora up here to Loveland as that area has gone downhill!! Family homesteaded of Smith and Chambers and I hate even going down there unless it is to eat some Mama Alvino's pizza!!!lol Best of luck on your season!!:cheers:
Geez. Not all Aurora is the ghetto. It's just like Denver with good parts and bad parts. You make it sound like I live in the projects.

Thanks for the warm greetings, all.
Welcome to the forum from a fellow Aurora-ite. There is a lot of great info on here about pheasant hunting in the archives. Do some searches and you will find it. Indications are that it will be a better season in eastern CO this year. Pick up a late season walk-in atlas (I don't think they're out yet) and plan to put some tire and boot miles in doing some scouting of those areas you might want to try. In general, the closer you get to Nebraska and Kansas, the better for birds.

Good luck.
Geez. Not all Aurora is the ghetto. It's just like Denver with good parts and bad parts. You make it sound like I live in the projects.

Thanks for the warm greetings, all.

Those of us that grew up around there have seen it change... Crime started on the North and is working South... There are some real nice neighborhoods to the South and East now. I feel safe at Mamma Alvino's because all the Service men and women and all the Aurora P.D. like to eat there. When I am there there are at least 5-6 officers and 10-15 service men and women enjoying good food!!! Can't go back to watch the old HS football games as there is usually a stabbing or two every game!!!:eek: Lots of friends still live there...Hope the season is bountiful!!!! Welcome again and maybe we will see you out in the fields enjoying mother nature!!!
I understand what you're saying. South and east is nice though. I hope to get out again and get at least another week of hunting in. Just being outside is nice, I love it. The hard part is I don't know all the good places yet, as I just started.
One thing over the years that I have learned is to find the sign of the birds. I have hit some walk in areas and not seen a bird. But, I pay attention to any sign of birds. Tracks, beds, loafing areas and dirt bath areas. Once I know birds are using a field even if I did not see any, I go back and hunt at different times of the day. If they are using the area for loafing and bedding they usually leave for feed and if the weather is not great they like to get back to their area sooner than later. I watched 40 birds leave or run across the road to private to feed. Everyone that stopped and hunted it probably marked that field as one they would not hunt again. I waited till afternoon and watched them sneaking back across the road to the cover for the rest of the afternoon. Went in and limited... There are a bunch of walk ins like this. If you see good sign, don't give up on the field as it will produce at some point in the day. At a certain point in the morning it is better to hunt food than the CRP. Weather will change it up on you though... :cheers:
Awesome. Thanks for the insight. I'm sure it will take me time to master. I kinda floated around bedding areas and had good luck with the time of day.
That sounds like great advice. Last year in KS we hit a walk in that had a fantastic looking draw running through the center of it. We hit is and notta. Looked like the ultimate place to find them, cut crops on both sides etc. We ended up walking the cut corn out back to the vehicle, again nothing. Now I suspect they were in some other feed possibly on the other side of the draw. Might have to hit it again this year and see.