Improve KS upland conditions w/ your vote....

I posted this in the main forum but not many folks are looking at it. This is part of Pepsi's promotion for ideas from consumers. They'll donate $250,000 to the 2 ideas with the most votes. The greater prairie chicken's last stronghold is in the Tallgrass prairie of KS.....the last great tallgrass expanse in our country. These birds were plentiful when I was a young boy and now they're pretty tough to find. Like any upland species, I want the best for them and I'm sure you all feel the same way.

This $ could help to educate farmers and incentivize them to mold their practices to better suit wildlife, such as skipping a pasture burn every other year.

Thanks for taking the time to register and vote my fellow outdoorsmen!
There is no chance Pepsi would ever get involved with something like this. They would have PETA all over them. Very bad PR move on they're part! Now, if it was a alcohol or tobacco company chances would be greater. We need to call our State Representative's office and make suggestions.
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There is no chance Pepsi would ever get involved with something like this. They would have PETA all over them. Very bad PR move on they're part! Now, if it was a alcohol or tobacco company chances would be greater. We need to call our State Representative's office and make suggestions.

Sir, did you follow the link? Haven't you seen the commercials on TV at the baseball game where the players are talking about their ideas? Well, this was someone's idea and if it gets enough votes, we'll get 1/4 million dollars sent our way to help sustain/manage the tallgrass prairie. I hate Pepsi...the company and the product, but I'll cast a free vote toward financial assistance in the outdoors.
Why would you figure PETA would be all over this?
Prairie chickens/Pepsi/K-State

I will vote also. I think it has a chance, especially if we come at it from the World Wildlife Fund type of vision, as in preservation being key, leaning not so much on the hunting side. I do want to make you aware of one key factor in the demise of the prairie chicken, especially in the flint hills, is the fact that several years ago the ag geniuses at K-State decided that excellerating the traditional burn cycle from every two or three years, to annual, increased the pounds of gain on cattle, grazing the spring flush. They then embarqed on a informational crusade, to get the word out. Net result, tough toenails for the nesting prairie chicken, and for Metropolitan Kansas City's spring air quality, when it sometimes looks like a scene from Birmingham, England during the original industrial age! Our number 1 air polutant in the spring now. By the way, I'd rather hunt chickens with pointing dogs than just about anything else. All that's left is the sandhills of Nebraska, to dry to burn off like that.
I will vote also. I think it has a chance, especially if we come at it from the World Wildlife Fund type of vision, as in preservation being key, leaning not so much on the hunting side. I do want to make you aware of one key factor in the demise of the prairie chicken, especially in the flint hills, is the fact that several years ago the ag geniuses at K-State decided that excellerating the traditional burn cycle from every two or three years, to annual, increased the pounds of gain on cattle, grazing the spring flush. They then embarqed on a informational crusade, to get the word out. Net result, tough toenails for the nesting prairie chicken, and for Metropolitan Kansas City's spring air quality, when it sometimes looks like a scene from Birmingham, England during the original industrial age! Our number 1 air polutant in the spring now. By the way, I'd rather hunt chickens with pointing dogs than just about anything else. All that's left is the sandhills of Nebraska, to dry to burn off like that.

I agree that it has a better shot if approached from a conservation angle, but hunting is the angle I used for this group. Please post the link and a message on any environmental forums or other hunting forums that you visit and tailor the message to the crowd.

Thanks to everyone that has cast a vote!
2 days left to go and this idea doesn't have a chance of getting the votes in needs. There are too many ideas for taking care of the people that can't/won't take care of themselves......I thought that is what the government was already doing with all tax $ they take from me each week.