I'm back


New member
Hi all, just a quick post to say although I have not been on here much for a while that is because I have been on my honeymoon over in California...I don't think I met any of you guys whilst I was over but as usual, I came away with the overriding impression that Americans are some of the nicest and friendliest people in the world and we had a wonderful time in a very beautiful part of the world.

Sadly I didn't get chance to do any hunting or fishing but I will be back to do some soon hopefully!

I came away with the overriding impression that Americans are some of the nicest and friendliest people in the world and we had a wonderful time in a very beautiful part of the world.

Only because we like the way English people sound when they speak:D

Glad you enjoyed your time in Cali. You were in Quail Hounds neck of the woods over there:)
Welcome back, glad you enjoyed your stay in our beautiful state. What sights did you see while you were here?
Oscar we're going to move your thread into the lounge:)
Welcome back, glad you enjoyed your stay in our beautiful state. What sights did you see while you were here?

Well we saw a lot...

Started in San Francisco and did all of the touristy city stuff - although I am not a fan of big cities SF is very nice.

Then we went south down the coast towards Monterey and stayed in Carmel before driving down Highway 1 with the awesome sights of Big Sur. Montery aquarium is fantastic, especially seeing the huge tuna and mahi mahi and even more so for a mad keen fisherman!

Then we headed inland to visit Sequoia and Kings Canyon National parks which were stunning, especially the giant trees.

Then headed north up the general's highway to Yosemite for a few days...absolutely stunning and we stayed in a lovely little town called Mariposa which was probably the friendliest place we visited...I especially liked the town stores which only appeared to sell alcohol, tobacco and rifle ammo!

We then spent a night in Napa on our way over to the Humbolt Redwood National Park to see the coastal redwoods and the avenue of the giants and then a night in Fort Bragg before heading back to SF.

Highlights for me were the scenery, both coastal and national parks and also the marine mammals - we don't have quite so many over here and we were lucky enought to see seals, sea lions, otters, grey whales, orca, humpback whales and dolphins, all from the shore and only 100yds or so out. Lovely to see.

We had all weathers as well from below freezing in Yosemite to a heatwave in Napa / on the coast.

California is definitely somewhere I will be coming back to, most likely the Monterey coastal area for a little longer and hopefully manage to fit in some fishing next time!
