I'm all set...


Super Moderator
Well guys and gals, I think I'm prepared to meet my maker and be raptured out of here in a few hours (is that 6 p.m. Eastern, Central, Mountain, or Pacific time? :confused:).

Cleaned my guns one last time, spent some time with the dog, called my friends and family and just said "hope to see you on the other side". Went to the liquor store when they opened this morning and bought one of everything I enjoy. I think I'm ready to go... :D

It's been nice knowing you all, and being part of this great site! :rolleyes: :p
yea me to I am hopping to still be grilling when the event happens oh well just like before if the earth blows into a fireball so be it none of us will ever know what hit us stupid worry warts i wish i had nothing to do but sit around and worry abou the world coming to an end
Ahh Hell, forgot all about it!!! Guess I better go get another case!!!!:cheers::cheers:
I called EVERYONE I know, and they're all still here... looks like no looting for me tonight. :D

I am not fast enough to loot!!! But I have been training the pups to do just that!!!
I see everone is making Rapture jokes like there is NO TOMORROW:D
I see everone is making Rapture jokes like there is NO TOMORROW:D

Hahah Jim! Yeah I got some amusement out of it tonight. I guess people (especially that dumbass pastor) forgot this:

"But of that day and [that] hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." -- Mark 13:32 (KJV)

Hmmm... seems pretty clear to me.
"I" didn't drink the kool-aid!...:p
Ahh Hell, forgot all about it!!! Guess I better go get another case!!!!:cheers::cheers:

I forgot about it too.:mad: I wanted to drive to town and go to Wallmart fri night and take pictures.
That SOB took all my money:mad: It wasn't the end of the world:mad: I've been standing on street corners handing out his stupid letters:mad: That does it I'm perdicting the end of the world:eek: And I'm going to be right. Here it is. When theirs one second left in the superbowl and the Vikings are on the winning side of it. Wow it's fun picking the end of the world. Give it a try guys:)