IA report

Outlook for '07 season is average. The statewide bird counts by the DNR (check their web site) is about the same as last year and with some areas better than others. Specific to Opening day, though, we have had a LOT of rain the last week, so there will be a ton of corn left standing in the fields. Same as most openers, if you don't get them early, they will be out feeding by mid morning, and it will be tough to find them.
It can't stop me from being out all day (or until I get a limit), though!
cham beers hit it right..... Corn Corn and more Corn Lots of Corn. Good Luck

Alot of rain has idled the combines and no fields are getting picked right now. And it looks like it might be a while too as those fields are sloppy nasty with standing water.
Yep. 07 SD opener was corn, corn and more corn. Hopefully the corn is stripped out so you have a chance. Push them down the rows and push to your blockers and flankers.

I gotta say, I love watching the pheasants run across the rows and down the rows and watch the dogs run after them.

The pheasants were pretty wiley for the opener. I was surprised. 2nd and 3rd year birds hit the corners and escaped like usual.
I talked to a friend of mine up in the NW corner of the state and he said that they are now finally able to get back in and start taking the corn off. I'm headed to Iowa next week so I'm hoping for most of the fields to be opened up.