I need advice to train my young dog for pheasant hunting.


New member
I have a 10-month old German Shorthaired Pointer that I am trying to train for pheasant hunting, but we are having some issues. When I play regular fetch with her (mostly with pheasant-scented dummies and tennis balls) she will retrieve with no problem, but whenever I take her out to the field she doesn't want anything to do with the bird dummy and won't retrieve or find the dummy, even won't put it in her mouth if I try to give it to her. I would like some helpful tips and/or information to help me train her.

Thank you
forget the scented dummies and let the dog roam the fields and hunt, that's what she's supposed to do when she's in the field.

Do you live near an area with pheasants?

It would be helpful to say the state you live in and if you've ever had a bird dog in the past.

we all started with our first dog at one point knowing how much experience you have would help us advise you

Your shorthair sounds perfectly normal if that helps
Have you shot any birds over the dog? I had a Brittany in the 90's that sounded a lot like yours. He wouldn't retrieve a dummy, ball or anything. But in the field he started retrieving shot birds and became one of the most dependable retrieving dogs I've ever owned. Your dog is still young take him hunting and if the breeding is there he will figure it out. Good luck.
You might try hiding the dummy around the house, behind a chair or some obscure place. If that works, rather than throwing the dummy in the open grass, pitch it in taller grass and command "dead bird." Using this command, or similar, the dog begins to understand there's a bird down, or dummy. My dogs have always enjoyed a challenge and a hide and seek game.

Practicing this game should transfer to hunting. While GSP's will retrieve, I'm not sure it's in their genes - it might take more coaching, but the dog will eventually get it.

Let us know how you are doing - lots of experts on this site to help!