I need a Flower

Thats right a Flower so I can protect my username:mad: It's my username and there ain't no way in heck someone else could think of it unless they got the idea from me:mad: I don't anger easy I'm kinda like GOD:D But this pisses me off:) I thought I would never see the day when my username was already taken. I was heart broken. I didn't join the site because of it:mad: You guys might not hear from me for awhile because I'll be searching for this person to give him/her flowers. It my take me to the four corners of the earth. Anything you guys want me to pick up on my Quest:D Maybe I can hire the NSA to find them.
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Coot, Where is the duplicate?
Or should I say "IMPOSTER" geeerrrrrrrr!
After some soul searching. I decided this ain't bad at all. It means the world is becoming a better place:thumbsup: Because people are begining to think like me:D I did get a voicemail 2day that was quite disturbing:eek: It was a guy saying he was the coot and he's going to kick my Butt. Must have been a Mod on here:D Can't think of anyone else that would think that way:D Blackclown knows better:)
coot grow UP. you must be in the roundup and geneticly modified corn again. I've told you it makes bad moonshine:D I will apologize for my brothers behavior lately. coot beware I blackcloud and my son funnel cloud will be very near you monday yote hunting. any more bad behavior and we will dropkick you across the yard!!!!!! then we will take away all your HO-HO's and pepsi:cheers:
You're special Coot. How do you get to use six images in your posts when the rest of us only get five:mad::mad


Now I know why we didn't let you add football:D. I count six in your post. Maybe coot can add it up for you:D
Coot you've suddenly become so politically correct with the "flower" thing.:rolleyes:
If coot was a flower it would Be one of those white one's off of a stinkbud tree. They smell like dog crap:)
Coot you've suddenly become so politically correct with the "flower" thing.:rolleyes:

Yes I decided it was politically incorrect:thumbsup: When you travel the world all you need is a flower to protect yourself:D See people can change. What happened to my comments yesterday:) Did the internet predator mod take them down:eek: I'm here to protect and serve:thumbsup:
Yes I decided it was politically incorrect:thumbsup: When you travel the world all you need is a flower to protect yourself:D See people can change. What happened to my comments yesterday:) Did the internet predator mod take them down I'm here to protect and serve

You know what happened. The thread got " washed":). Hey you better start thinking about what name you are going to post under after you get banned with this one. I know how about jethro.naught.naught:). Or anniegetyourflower. Or how about just going back to Labman?:D