I hate this time of year


Its too hot, buggy, muggy, and just plain boring waiting for fall. The ticks are as thick as I have ever seen. I am getting antsy to go shoot some birds.

I ran my setter tonight and sweat my a** off and got bit about 30 times by mosquitos. I also got a nice rash from nettles, had a little allergy sneezing, and nearly overheated the dog.

I am ready for fall.
Enjoy the summer

I hear you, but I'll take this after waiting through a long winter and cool wet spring. It seems like we've only had summer for about a week. The newest addition to the family, Max, is 13 weeks old today. We just got back from a 15 minute romp in the field, which at his age and in the 80's, is about right. The little guy is loving the romps in the field and his nose is going 24/7. He went for his first swims this past weekend and had a ball playing in the water along shore. I got a good dose of chiggers, though and waged war on a near constant stream of attach by deer flies, but it was worth it. right now, with a small pup, I'm just going to enjoy the summer and watch him grow with anticipation of the coming fall.