I could of killed him

Today was one of them days. BC called to BS and we talked about hunting:thumbsup: He asked if I been seeing deer I said none. Deer pop. is way down around here:( After the call I decide to put up the electric fence so I can bring the cows home:thumbsup: I'm about done when the wire I was tightening started going wild. I thought what the beep is going on. Not 100 yds away a rut stupid buck is caught in the wire:mad: It did get out but it made a mess. The bone brain didn't run away it stayed in the hay field making new baby deer with the doe:mad: Why did I have to witness this after what it had done? I wanted to kill it so bad:D it was a 10 point buck.
Found him yesterday AM on my way to work! Nice buck!

yeah, I've been watching him behind my house for a couple of mornings.

When I came back about an hour later, I helped a Ranger and an elderly lady

load him in her pickup, she was taking him to a processor. Least he's not

going to waste

Man, I hate pictures like that!