Hunting dilemma and need your input


New member
So -- the season is going by fast! 7 weekends (in KS) left...

Heading out to Jetmore KS 12/27-29...looking forward as we are hunting with landowners and group went out opening weekend did pretty good.

2nd week of Jan I have my boss from TX and hunting buddies from MO coming to KS, relying on me to put together a hunt. There are 3 of them and all don't mind spending $100-200 on land priveledges, birds, etc (lodging/gas/food not figured in this).

My boss has never been phez hunting but plenty of quail shooting. My MO buddies have done the phez thing several times this season but would entertain another trip out west.

1. Head out west and hit WIHA and WMA.
2. Stay close to hometown and hunt all quail (west of Iola, plenty of private land to hunt)
3. Find an outfitter out west for private land for combo hunt.
4. 5 mins from my family farm in Iola, there is guy that raises phez and chuckar. Prior to season I spent several hundred dollars with him on chuckar for training purposes. We have 600 acres and plenty of room not to mention our neighbors and others. I need to contact him and see what kind of deal I could get for $500-600 (what my pardners willing to pay for birds). Thinking 35-50 phez/chuckar. We could do this for 5-6 hrs on Sat and then hunt private land Sunday for quail.

BTW -- we would have enough hunters to cover our daily limit if we were to buy the birds...

Sure you have questions but pondering -- looking forward to any suggestions you may have.

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Did you already forget your boss has never been pheasant hunting! Good or bad you will have something to talk about until next year.
Go get em!
Did you already forget your boss has never been pheasant hunting! Good or bad you will have something to talk about until next year.
Go get em!

Good point! Honestly I could go out west just knowing the chances of kicking up birds...I don't need the guarantee but you in a hunting party it only takes one or two to complain and put a damper on the "outing" which makes a sub-stellar hunt worthy of going out each year. I've learned to "cull" those friends and keep them at home outside the "circle of trust....."

I've shot lots of released quail, and in the past it was a good experience. The birds, thousands of them were released weeks earlier, on 7000 acres, and it was close to a wild bird hunt. You and the dogs had to work for the birds which flushed wild and flew strong. Unfortunately the owner of that operation died, and it is no more.

Last weekend we hunted on a new "preserve". The birds had been "released" that AM. It was awful. The "guide" knew within a few feet where every bird was, often had to prod them to fly. It nearly made me sick to shoot those poor critters.

I'd say - hunt wild birds.
I would go for option # 4 for the variety. The idea of having a place to yourself is very nice and makes it more enjoyable and honestly some days I just don't feel like sharing with dozens of other hunters. My family is going to try to do a hunt on Christmas eve at a private place, which will make it a great time.
if your boss and buddies are going to be around for a couple days, if it was me, I'd spend a day chasing wild pheasants, then try an area that could provide a combo day, then finish off close to home with the phez/chukar deal - a little bit of variety for everyone
good luck being the "cruise director"