Hunt swap?


New member
Looking to possibly swap a pheasnt hunt (prefer wild birds) for a Lake Michigan trout/salmon trip(s) this summer for two people. I also could provide a Wisconsin turkey hunt on private land in exchange for a pheasant hunt. I have a boat and all the equipment for the fishing excursion. Let me know if either of these options interests you.
Maybe it would help if we knew what kind of pheasant hunt are you looking for. How many people and how many days? Do you have dogs? What do you expect to be included in the hunt? Lodging, meals, cleaning, etc. Or are you just looking for someone to take you and get you on some land and have a successful hunt. Just trying to help. :)

Thanks Dokotazeb and Kansasbrittany for the responses. I am looking for a "non-pampered" hunt. Probably three days total. I can clean my own birds and guide myself. I have my own dog as does one of my other brothers. Ideally it would be nice if we could bring three people total...all of us are brothers. I'm basically looking for some private land (and adequate acreage) with some wild birds. We would likely bring a popup camper but depending on the arrangement we would be open to other options. I could probably provide lodging on my (Michigan) end of the trip.