Howdy from South Louisiana


New member
Just another guy who came here looking for info and found some. Always wanted to hunt upland, so now I am. We don't have any wild birds here, or anywhere close, so I'll be only hunting pen raised birds. Currently in puppy research mode and probably will wind up going with a lab. We mostly hunt geese, duck, and dove around here, and I know the lab will do what I want, with the upland as a bonus. :cheers:
Welcome to UPH, good luck on finding a pup, I hope you find one that gives a lot of fun and pleasure........Bob
We don't have any wild birds here . . .
Daniel, what about woodcock?

Louisiana is the end of the road for woodcocks' seasonal migration. They aren't pheasants, but they can present their own hunting challenges.
You are correct, we do have woodcock, and snipe. Once I have a solid dog, I may give them a try. I've hunted both and was quite humbled by them. If you've ever tried to hit a woodcock, you know what I mean. One thing about the woodcock, is they tend to be in the wooded areas and thus shot opportunities are slim. I tend to forget about them in regards to upland hunting, so thanks for the reminder.
Tucker and I welcome you to this wonderful site. Glad you decided to join. Just a great bunch here and always willing to help. If you need exercise, the woodcoock is your bird. They hang in the thickest mess you can find. Good luck in finding the right hunting pard. Have a great holiday!:thumbsup:

Merry Christmas

Welcome from Gus, the Brittany, and me from the great and hospitable state of Kansas.