Howdy From Iowa

D Bros.

New member
I don't believe I've introduced myself yet, so I had better do that.

My name is Joel, and I live in the wilds of northwest Iowa. For a living, I work as a machinist, running CNC lathes and mills in a small machine shop. As for hobbies, I like hunting (of course), fishing, NASCAR, football, and computers. Kind of a redneck geek, I guess.

My user name comes from my boys. First was Deacon, my black pointing Lab, who sadly passed this last April at the ripe old age of 12. Man, I still miss him terribly. Best dog I ever had. And also Diesel, my yellow pointing Lab, who will be 3 next March.

Obviously, since I'm here, I love pheasant hunting. In fact, right now I'm burning a little time until Dees and I go out this morning. I've also recently, like last year, gotten into goose hunting, so I'm working on Diesel's training for that, too.

Looking forward to getting to know ya'll and reading lots about one of my favorite things, hunting the wily ringneck.