How to locate WIHA?


New member
Just wondering what the best way is to get around, as far as the wiha are concerned. Do the wiha have the unit numbers posted, or do you just have to assume you are at the right place. Any info would be appreciated. Once I make my 8hr drive up there from Dallas, I sure do not want to waste too much time driving around searching for a particular wiha unit. This will be my first trip to Kansas and I will be focusing mostly on quail in the Great Bend area. Again, any info will be helpful.
WIHA booklet

If you have the WIHA map book you should be just fine, it's just like a regular map. The WIHA areas are clearly marked with white signs on the boundary lines of the WIHA. It's pretty easy to get around using the WIHA book for your map.
If you have the WIHA map book you should be just fine, it's just like a regular map. The WIHA areas are clearly marked with white signs on the boundary lines of the WIHA. It's pretty easy to get around using the WIHA book for your map.

Agreed, it is very simple. Just consider the size and shape of the first WIHA field you find and the map will lead you to every other parcel on the map with ease. I use the WIHA maps in place of the road atlas b/c they're so easy to use and I like to drive the back roads whenever possible.
just remember all squares are 1 sq mile. you should always know where you're at and how far to the next spot. I have been known to get lost a few times out there though! If you get lost just drive in the direction you know there is a town or major road, once you find that you're good to go!
I went out today a true rookie and after I found my first spot I was able to locate about 4 others that where in the general vicinity, all I used was the map provided by WIHA. I tried using the Atlas but because I was using back roads it was a little harder. My recommendation is to use the WIHA map!! Good luck I flushed a rooster but didn't do much good. Great exercise :)
I had the same concerns a few years back when I started hunting in Ks. WIHA maps are very simple to read and are right on. If you can count roads (roads are a mile apart) you won't have any trouble. Also units are marked very clearly, never had a problem. If your not sure. your probably in the wrong spot. Kansas has hit a home run, I hope they never stop this program.