How much exercise for a young puppy?

Dog owners get excited and want to make the best dog possible and push to hard just like most do with their own children. It is really simple, just follow the dvd's by Hillman or Mertens. They will take you step by step on how to raise and train your puppy. They have far more knowledge than any of us.
I wish someone had given me this advice in 1998, when I started to train my first puppy.
What do you retriever guys do with a nine week old puppy in your training programs? For me, and the pointing type dogs I have, I just let them be puppies and have fun. Take them on walks and let them explore. Curious how everything has to be planned out and regimented for a nine week old pup.

Edit - I ask because at nine weeks, I have zero expectations for a pup other then to play, explore, be bold. That being said, they do need to learn house manners, crate training etc. You know, the house rules. But for the field stuff, not much for me there at nine weeks.
What do you retriever guys do with a nine week old puppy in your training programs? For me, and the pointing type dogs I have, I just let them be puppies and have fun. Take them on walks and let them explore. Curious how everything has to be planned out and regimented for a nine week old pup.

Edit - I ask because at nine weeks, I have zero expectations for a pup other then to play, explore, be bold. That being said, they do need to learn house manners, crate training etc. You know, the house rules. But for the field stuff, not much for me there at nine weeks.
I totally agree and so do the videos. It just lays out a step by step approach. Believe it or not, some people are clueless when it comes to dogs. Ever wonder why so many are gun shy? Everyone thinks they have a great dog, until they hunt with someone who really does.
The recommended amount of daily exercise for most dogs is 30 minutes to 2 hours, although certain dogs need more. Some breeds were developed for more active lifestyles than others, and in a companion dog situation, they are not able to do the work their ancestors were bred to do.
For more know to about dog exercise and food or care you can read Cuttin Blue Farms' blog.
According to The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals, a fairly good starting point mostly is to aim for 5 minutes of exercise, twice a day, for each month of age in a major way. For example, 3-month-old puppies should for the most part have 15 minutes of exercise twice a day, then 20 minutes twice a day at 4 months, etc) in a subtle way. You can get more tips on San Diego Goldendoodles