How Many UPHers @ Golden Plains Motel/Holyoke on Sat Nite/NY's Day???


New member
How many CO UPHers were at the Golden Plains Motel in Holyoke on Sat Nite/Jan 1st??? Just wondering how many of you I slept next to - the parking lot was filled with trucks/suvs/dog boxes & the place was jam-packed with hunters & dogs in nearly every room. I know at least one or two of you CO UPH boys had to be in the crowd! :thumbsup: :cheers:
I wasn't there....wish I was, however thanks for the text and invite. Sorry I couldn't make it though, my wife had to work Saturday (she is an RN at Memorial Hospital in the Springs) so I had to stay at home with my older, disabled daughter (she is 17yrs old but has cerebral palsy) and my keep my 11yr old in check.

We are heading out for our last hurrah to Kansas on MLK weekend....

Glad to see you had a good time...I may try to head out eastern colorado (you know where) the last weekend of the season (29 or 30 January)....

Sorry it didn't work out, especially so last-minute on my part. My prayers are with you as you care for yours! I may join you for the CO grand finale on the last wknd of 29th and/or 30th if you're up for it & I can pull it off. Got a couple really sweet private spots out that way that should yield at least a few more birds... :thumbsup: