Houston we have a problem

Looks like some of my crp grass is not going to grow so well:( Sent my brother out to spray the grass killer and nitrogen for my corn. Some how he got into my crp:( not for sure why he couldn't tell the difference between worked and unworked ground. Well I called The Fsa office and they said I'm in BIG DOG S### Looking at some jail time 20 to 30 years:D It's been done many times before. But I had to plant the grass anyway. Then this fall if it don't grow replant it again. I was thinking about putting Sorgum in with the grass Just on the acre that got sprayed:thumbsup: Does anyone know if harness herbicide kills sorgum? I'm thinking it won't but not for sure.
Not looking I would say sorghum would not like it. I can't remember what the residual length is. Can't you just wait until after that time and plant the sorghum?
It happens! Sent a seasonal out to work food plots. Marked the map on the ones needing worked. Left off the ones that didn't. Went to check on him, he had just tilled under my newly planted Maximillian Sunflower production plot. That stuff was $21/pound to plant. Glad it wasn't a bigger field!!! Sad part is, that was one of the best seasonals I've ever had!!! Stupid help stories, I could fill volumes.
Maximillian Sunflower

Hey PD I was thinking about planting some Maximillian Sunflowers in small patches. Are they hard to establish and care for and how good are they for wildlife. Any thoughts would be welcome.:)
SDJIM, not that hard to establish, sans post plant disking. I don't consider a pure stand having a "food plot" type of benefit. It is more of a component of a mix and probably most beneficial as brood-rearing habitat. Yes, it shows up in quail and pheasant crops, but the pounds per acre wouldn't make it a major forage component. I've harvested it several times here.
Looks like some of my crp grass is not going to grow so well:( Sent my brother out to spray the grass killer and nitrogen for my corn. Some how he got into my crp:( not for sure why he couldn't tell the difference between worked and unworked ground. Well I called The Fsa office and they said I'm in BIG DOG S### Looking at some jail time 20 to 30 years:D It's been done many times before. But I had to plant the grass anyway. Then this fall if it don't grow replant it again. I was thinking about putting Sorgum in with the grass Just on the acre that got sprayed:thumbsup: Does anyone know if harness herbicide kills sorgum? I'm thinking it won't but not for sure.

As long as the Sorghum is Concept treated, it will grow through the Harness. It is not labeled but it will work.