Home sick all ready


Working on the road in Fairmont MN, staying in a 1 bed appt, with River, a air bed, 1 chair, beer in a fridge, and no TV. Had no internet, but some miracle sent me a faint linksis signal, I am like a kid in a candy store.I have temporary internet, hope it lasts at least in this corner of the house. Can't wait to be done with this project. 12 hr days 7 days a week. And River is not good conversation.
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Yea, hurry up and get that job done, we miss you around here.......Bob
My buddy I grew up with bought an old hotell, 37 rooms to fix up and a nice living area reframing and finishing. It will be a while, but at least it's work.:thumbsup: I will probably loose signal for the wireless internet I'm sure. Tried 3 days till today. I was going to try a movie, and the inet worked for some reason.
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Sounds like good Winter work.
Make some $ then take off a couple months this Fall.:cheers:
I have been known to migrate, my cabelas card says visa, no green card but I got a christmas card:D

i wouldnt leave this country.. youre under an investigation from anothr thread. I dont think you wanna mess with me. I dont need no badge.


"I lift up and put it down."
i wouldnt leave this country.. youre under an investigation from anothr thread. I dont think you wanna mess with me. I dont need no badge.


"I lift up and put it down."

Clear violation Webguy save me:D Looks like I'm going to have to bribe you. What kinda dounut you like:D
Clear violation Webguy save me:D Looks like I'm going to have to bribe you. What kinda dounut you like:D

Youre gonna have to do better than that.. i dont eat doughnuts.

admitting bribery, thats jail time buddy. if no one will press charges against you from here, Im takin you in for disorderly conduct.

and a rough ride to the jail.

"i dont know how he got that bump on his head. your honor."
Ahh ate good home cooked roast beef today at the folks and got a good night sleep on a real bed. Got to see the news, and some deer out the window. Dad was yote hunting on Sat. they got 4 yotes. River is getting a little home sick too, she keeps standing over me about 10" away staring at me, like "lets do something you bumb" she has started to watch the movies with me on the PC, I think she's as boared as me. Dad said he saw a good group of around a hundred pheasants just south of the house so the birds are fairing well down here. The fields are bare all over here now so getting food is easy for them now. They were dealt a lucky card here. I don't think that is the case back home. It's amazing how the tide changed from south to north in MN for struggeling birds. Another long week ahead.
We came home Fri night, only to plow, shovel, weld a new muffler on my car so I can take that back, have a couple brews, sleep and leave again for more work down there in a few minutes. River is staying home, cause I will be back to breed the other two on Thurs night. So for a few days it will now be real boring at night. But I have a few movies for the Lap top and some coors so were good. See you kids later.
I hope you are right FC, I want a Jets & Packers Superbowl. I think that would be a good match up.......Bob
"DONE" whoo hooo!!
I am finaly back home. Man this couch is going to be nice till Monday. Thank the Lord we have a bunch of work here now. River is nice to talk to but after 6 weeks I am not sure she really understands what the hell I was saying half the time. Two air beds, 30 pizzas, 20 12 packs, 400 rock stars, and 30 or so DVD's it's nice to be home.:thumbsup: Might have to go back for another round in a month though.:( OH well pays the bills I guess.
Welcome Home Ken, very nice to see around here regularly again. Does that mean I have to clean up my act?.........Bob