Hi From Ca


New member
Hi, eyeryone I'm very glad to have found this fourm.I am totaly new to the world of Pheasant hunting(completed my rookie season in california).I dont have a dog yet,but as the old guys that I hunt with say (In time Youngster,In time.)I dont think they even remember my name everyone just calls me "Youngster"!I'm pushing 40 and they still call me Youngster(I think the closest one to me in age is 30 yrs my senior). I am very lucky that they have taken me under their wing(pun intended):D and any question that they cant answer maybe I can get some help here.So dont be to upset if I ask some pretty basic questions. And dont worry I do know how to use a SEARCH button:)
Welcome to pheasant hunting and the forum.

Maynard Reece Byrd
Dodge City
Welcome to the California guys. You fellas could make your way out to Kansas and purchase the non-resident license (about $75.00). Then, you pick up the hunting atlas and you will have access to about one million acres of walk-in pheasant hunting. Sure, the good stuff gets pounded but you will find wild birds if you want to do some walking. That's what I did five years ago and I am hooked!!! Concentrate your efforts to the western half of the state and you will be fine. Good luck!
Welcome to the site!!! Bilbo has given you some excellent advice. Do us all a favor and turn ALL of the Californians into pheasant hunters:cheers:
Welcome to UPH, come by and tell us more about CA....Bob