Help with Fiocchi shells


New member
I have been shooting fiocchi white rhino 12 gauge shells for a while now. They were a gift and I really like them, they seem to shoot a lot better than cheap field loads. My question is what does hdcp under dram equiv. mean? I know hdcp stands for handicap but have no idea what dram equiv. is. They are 2 3/4 inch 1250 velocity 1 1/8 oz and #8's. It is bugging me to death and I can't find any info on the net. Also I know these are "target" loads, would I see any difference with field loads, any recommendations?
The handicap refers to the velocity. Higher velocity for longer range if you will. Think 27 yard line in trap vs 16 yard line.
A standard trap load would be 1200 fps vs 1250 for handicap.

Drams equivalent
What "drams equivalent" really means is that this particular smokeless powder load has the same approximately velocity as a black powder loading with the stipulated number of drams. A modern 3 drams equivalent trap load with 1-1/8 ounces of shot, for instance, has a muzzle velocity of about 1,200 f.p.s., which is roughly what the older black powder loads churned up with a powder charge of 3 actual drams of black fuel. Thus, the drams equivalent designation is merely a comparison of velocities--definitely not a comparison of powder charge weights!

As far as use as a field load, the White Rhino's might be fine for Quail, Doves or possibly preserve Pheasants/Chukars in 7.5's where shooting distances most likely will be close. However there are much better alternatives for wild Phez, namely Fiocchi Golden Pheasant.
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Thanks for the reply. It lists the velocity as 1250 so that makes sense. I do use Fiocchi Golden Pheasant for pheasants. I am sold on these for pheasant. Heading out to Dodge City and have gotten into a few quail so off to buy shells I go. Thanks for the info on here, it is much appreciated.