HELP! Newbie on board


New member
Hello everyone! I just wanted to wade in slowly and get feet wet, since I'm very new to all this. I'm originally from Illinois (where they used to have them), and am now living in SC (where they don't). I loved my pheasant hunting, and miss it terribly. I thought I could take care of some of my withdrawal symptoms here !!
welcome to the forum...hope you atleast have some preserves around your way..
Thank you

Thanks for the welcome Oggie! Yes, there is a preserve close by, but its just not the same as a REAL ringneck. I do get to go home to Illinois though and hunt a bit. I also have made a few trips around Watertown SD.
Welcome Shotarye

Hunting wild pheasants around Watertown SD should take care of the hunting blues! I'm drooling just thinking about the wild bird flushes.

Welcome to the forum. Stick around, I'll have some giveaways coming up to the loyal forum board users!

Hunting wild pheasants around Watertown SD should take care of the hunting blues! I'm drooling just thinking about the wild bird flushes.

Welcome to the forum. Stick around, I'll have some giveaways coming up to the loyal forum board users!

Heck "Webguy", I'm runnin for a paper towel now just thinking of those LONG fields and cacklin cocks bustin at the end! ... Thanks
SHOTARYE, Stick around, and head out to SD every year or so, and You'll be OK.:thumbsup: