Michigan hunter
New member
Hello guys,from what i've seen this is a great site.I've been doing some searching looking for info on kanas pheasant hunting,and looks like i've found what I was looking for
My in-laws moved to wichita about a year and a half ago.My F.I.L. does not do much hunting but did do some pheasant hunting back here in mi.years ago.Well, they want us to come out for a visit around x-mas time and I figured while I was out there,i'd try to do some bird hunting.So i've got a few ?'s for ya.Is there much public hunting ground with-in 1-1 1/2hrs of wichita?Do we stand much of a chance of being allowed on some private property by knocking on some doors and asking?Is it even worth pheasant hunting in that area? (keep in mind that a guy can hunt hard all season in mi.and be lucky to take 8-10 birds)Probey be just my F.I.L and I along with my beagle (he will run pheasant,if I can keep him off the rabbits long enough lol!!)So what do you guys think,do we stand a very good chance of putting-up a few birds?Thanks for any advice/tips you can offer.